Vetrotech Saint-Gobain (International) AG, Branch Lengwil
Sepp-Heindl-Str. 5
CALUWIN is a software tool which can be used to calculate and improve the energy efficiency of windows in order to save energy costs when heating during the winter or cooling during the summer. CALUWIN can also be used to examine the living comfort provided by windows to assess the risk of the build-up of condensation or mould in different situations in terms of climate.
This tool is aimed to help manufacturers/developers, sellers of windows and window components, as well as planners and architects, energy consultants and building biologists with their work. It is intuitive to use and those building and renovating homes can also plan and optimize their windows with CALUWIN.
SWISSPACER® development, implemented by
Sommer Informatik GmbH, with technical support from the engineering office for building physics,
The calculations in CALUWIN program version 0.134 have been checked for plausibility by
ift Rosenheim in accordance with the ift WA-05/3 guidelines.
A wide range of components (frames, glass, spacers, glazing bars) is already stored as standard in CALUWIN. The U-values for various types of windows and any size of window can be calculated in accordance with the EN ISO 10077-1 standards. Alternatively to the component values stored, the information can also be freely defined and entered manually.
In addition to calculating the U-values, CALUWIN offers a range of additional tools for building-physical, ecological and economic assessments of windows.
- Condensation calculator: The condensation calculator can be used to make an assessment of the risk of surface condensation for the stored components under freely adjustable climatic framework conditions.
- Mould calculator: The mould calculator can be used to make an assessment of the risk of surface mould for the stored components under freely adjustable climatic conditions.
- Winter energy-saving calculator (heating): The energy-saving calculator for winter climates can be used to compare different window configurations in heated rooms over a given period of time. The different needs for thermal heat (kWh) and heating media (litres of oil, kWh of gas, kg of coal, etc.) and the differences in energy costs (€, $, etc.) and the CO2 emissions (kg).
- Summer energy-saving calculator (cooling): The energy-saving calculator for summer climates can be used to compare different window configurations in air-conditioned rooms over a given period of time. The differences in cooling energy required (kWh), cooling energy costs (€, $, etc.), as well as the CO2 emissions (kg) are calculated.
Energie ratings: In several countries, there are now energy ratings to allow end consumers to quickly and easily assess the energy values of windows. With CALUWIN, it is possible to calculate the energy ratings established for windows in some countries (as selected via the language version). The following ratings are available at this time (others are being developed):
- UK: BFRC Window Energy Rating (certified by the British Fenestration Rating Council, BFRC)
- CH: Schweizer Energie Etikette (certified by the Swiss Centre for Windows and Façades, SZFF)
- DK: Energitilskuddet for vinduer (certification by the Teknologisk Institut, Glas og Vinduer planned)
- FR: Classification Énergétique d’une Fenêtre (certification by the French Union des Fabricants de Menuiseries Extérieur, UFME, is planned)
- International: Passivhaus Effizienzklassen: (certified by Passivhaus Institute Dr. Wolfgang Feist)
The globally renowned Passivhaus Institute has developed its own efficiency classes for Passivhaus windows. With Caluwin you can calculate these.
Clear reports can be generated and sent as PDF documents for various calculation options.
Reference is made to the following standards as a basis for the calculations in Caluwin:
- EN ISO 10077-1:2018-01, Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters – Calculation of thermal transmittance – Part 1: Simplified process
- ift WA-08/3:2015 guidelines: Spacers with improved thermal performance, Part 2 – Calculation of representative Ψ values for window frame profiles
- ift-Research report, Psi values of Georgian bars, Rosenheim, ift-Rosenheim, September 2015
CALUWIN is available
online at and as an app for
iOS and
Android end devices from the respective App Stores.